Free English and Spanish Conversation Club Calendar
At the Conversation Club events you will have the chance to practice your English and Spanish with many native English and Spanish speakers. The native English speakers are from different places around the world, so you will be able to practice with people that have different accents. California, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, New York, Canada, England, Australia, Scotland, and China.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get updates on Events:
Si estas aprendiendo español esta es tu oportunidad de practicar con Colombianos que te quieren ayudar. La gente de Medellin es muy acogedora y te ara sentir cómodo. Practicando en un escenario como este ha demostrado ser bueno para incrementar el vocabulario y darle al estudiante confianza en su propia habilidad.
What do we do at the Conversation Club events?
- Host: Andrew (English teacher – Colombia/U.S.A.)
- Practice speaking with your native English & Spanish speakers.
About the Medellin Buzz English and Spanish conversation club
Medellin Buzz English and Spanish conversation club is for English and Spanish as a Second Language students to practice and learn. Our goal is to integrate native English speakers with native Spanish speakers in a fun and dynamic way.