What is Colombiamoda?
Colombiamoda is a Fashion Fair and [glossary id=’388′ slug=’expo’ /] that attracts international attention. Colombia’s biggest [glossary id=’394′ slug=’brand’ /]s and most beautiful models are exhibited. People from across the world come to see this increasingly popular event held at Plaza Mayor.
This past weekend was Medellin’s 24th edition of Colombiamoda. The event [glossary id=’395′ slug=’span’ /]ed from July 22nd to July 25th. Although I, Andrew Macia, don’t really care for fashion, or getting my picture taken with models, I do care for high culture, and interesting stories. My favorite story of this year’s Colombiamoda was that of world [glossary id=’399′ slug=’renowned’ /] fashion designer Haider Ackerman. Take a look at the story published by wMagazine.com.
Haider Ackermann Celebrates His Colombian Roots
The designer returns to his birthplace to kick off fashion week.July 25, 2013 3:34 PM | by Giovanna Campagna
Source: http://www.wmagazine.com/fashion/2013/07/haider-ackermann-colombia/
Haider Ackermann traveled to Medellin, Colombia where he [glossary id=’401′ slug=’kick-off’ /] Colombiamoda, the country’s annual fashion week. For the designer, who is based in Paris, it was a [glossary id=’405′ slug=’homecoming’ /] of sorts; Ackermann, was born in Colombia, but adopted by French parents when he was 9 months old and lived in Ethiopia, Chad, and Algeria before his family settled in the Netherlands. Although he only returned to Colombia for the first time last year, he quickly fell in love with the country. “I was struck by the enthusiasm,” said Ackermann, “the optimism, the fighting, the strength of the people for a better life, always with a big smile.”
After receiving a key to the city of Medellin from the Mayor, Aníbal Gaviria, he rushed to put the finishing touches on his [glossary id=’409′ slug=’runway’ /] show, which kicked off the fashion schedule. To make the magic happen, Ackermann flew in 38 runway looks from Paris and a team of 10 international models to join the Colombian models he [glossary id=’411′ slug=’hand-picked’ /] only days before. “Every collection is a continuation, so it feels like you’re writing a book,” said the designer, who carefully [glossary id=’415′ slug=’curated’ /] the selection of looks from both recent and past collections. “And hopefully the book is endless.”
Post-show, Ackermann joined friends like Waris Aluwahlia, Elizabeth von Guttman, and designer Amelia Toro for a celebratory dinner. Seated at his right was Colombia’s First Lady, María Clemencia de Santos, who happens to be a fan of his work. “I was so very honored to be invited,” said Ackermann, who kept the festivities going late with an after-party at local salsa bar El Suave in the heart of Medellin.
Pictures from Ackermann’s runway show
About the Medellin Buzz
The Medellin Buzz is lighthearted news source for English as a Second Language learners in Medellin, Colombia. The Medellin Buzz is written in a way that is easy to understand. The difficult vocabulary words are [glossary id=’425′ slug=’highlighted’ /], you can click on the word and the definition will pop up.